Dismantling set for window films

Dismantling set for window films
Dismantling set for window films
Dismantling set for window films
€13.90 €16.85 (17.51% saved)

incl. VAT plus shipping costs. Item no. 040041

Delivery time approx. 3-6 days

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Dismantling set With this set, you can remove any film without any problems. With the help of...

Dismantling set

With this set, you can remove any film without any problems. With the help of the ph-neutral cleaner, you can easily remove the adhesive remaining on the pane after removing a window film. Brush on the adhesive residue and then easily remove the soaked adhesive residue from the window pane with the enclosed glass scraper.

Please refer to the label for instructions on how to use this adhesive residue remover.

Included in delivery

1x adhesive remover, Art. No. 020060 worth from 6.95 euros
1x glass scraper with retractable blade, Art. No. 010220 worth 3,95 Euro

You thus save approx. 18 % compared to the individual components.

How to mount this film on the window...
Montagevideo starten
Installation video for window films. Click on the picture to start.

Assembly instructions for Accessories

You will need the following items

Installation tips

  • Two people should carry out the installation!
  • Do not install any film at temperatures on the installation side below +6° C.
  1. Fill the spray bottle with 0.5 litres of water and add the transfer concentrate (30 ml) (enough for approx. 6 to 7 m² of glass surface).
  2. Thoroughly clean the glass with commercial or our glass cleaner!
    Remove all sticky particles (e.g. paint or fly dirt) preferably with the glass scraper blade. No dirt residues should remain on the glass!
  3. The sandblasting foil consists of the mostly white backing paper and the actual sandblasting foil.
    Now place the sandblasting foil with the view side down on the glass pane or similar. You are now looking at the back of the film.
    Then carefully and slowly peel off the backing paper at as shallow an angle as possible until it is about halfway along the entire length of the film. Cut the backing paper and stick it back onto the sandblasting film with a gap of about 2 cm to the remaining backing paper.
  4. Now hold the in place while the 2nd person
  5. Place the on the glass, the film should slide back and forth well, otherwise spray the glass again.
  6. Now spray the other side of the as well, this will make it easier for you to work with the mounting squeegee.
  7. Now press the liquid out evenly with the mounting squeegee from the centre to the right and to the left. Make sure that there is no residual water left under the film! Repeat this procedure several times to remove even invisible water residues. When doing this, wrap the supplied squeegee with a paper towel to avoid any scratches.
  8. Carefully wipe the edges and the foil with a soft cloth. If necessary, press the edges again with the mounting squeegee.
  9. Now let the dry for three days without touching it.
  10. Wait two weeks before cleaning the film for the first time and never use hard objects (brush or blade) to clean it. Commercially available glass cleaners can be used.

FAQ`s about the installation

Can I carry out the film installation alone?

Films that are no larger than 1m² can be installed alone without any problems.
For larger pieces, it is recommended that two people carry out the installation. This makes it easier to handle the film and place it on the pane.

How can I avoid dust inclusions under the sides?

First, clean your windows really thoroughly with glass cleaner. Then go over the entire window pane again with our supplied glass scraper blade to remove any hard-core impurities on the pane (such as fly droppings). These fine stains are often invisible to the naked eye and you will be amazed at what the blade still removes.

In addition, do not lay the after peeling off (covers the adhesive side for transport) on the floor to get it wet. Rather, pull a table nearby to spray the film on. On the floor you will always stir up very fine dust particles, which will then settle on the adhesive side facing upwards. These dust particles can later show up on the pane under the , which is something to avoid.

Can I apply the without transfer concentrate?

Alternatively, you should at least use a pH-neutral cleaner. We do not recommend installation without any additive at all, which increases the gliding properties of the water!

We strongly advise against the use of water diluted with detergent. This can lead to streaking due to a reaction with the film adhesive.

Does the film have to be applied perfectly to the glass at the first attempt?

How easy is it to remove the film?

Customer service

Film specialist, Dirk Bilstein - Application engineer

" I will be happy to give you expert advice on choosing the right film! "

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Ist dieses Produkt auch für die Demontage von einer Schaufensterbeklebung (Logo) geeignet?
Eva W. am 21. January 2025
Dafür kann das Set auch benutzt werden.
Velken Service-Team on 22. January 2025
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