One way mirror film: one-sided daytime privacy protection

Look out without being seen from outside!

Due to the highly mirrored surface, spy mirror films lead to the effect that you enjoy one-sided privacy protection during the day.

  • The view from the outside is suppressed by the mirroring that forms.
  • The view from the inside is still possible when darkened.
  • Window film ensures cooler room temperatures & a reduction in glare
  • Positive side effect: Due to the high level of reflection, you achieve a noticeable heat protection with these spy mirror films.
  • Look out without letting people see in!
  • Enjoy one-sided privacy during the day
  • Clear, darkened view outside
  • Free of charge: Sample, tool & cut to size
  • Purchase on account + fast shipping!
One way mirror film: one-sided daytime privacy protection
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One Way Mirror Window Film, silver
One Way Mirror Window Film, silver
  • Indoor or outdoor installation
  • self-adhesive
The strongest and best-selling spy mirror film with maximum daytime privacy. Ideally used to be able to look out and protect yourself from prying eyes.
€32.90 / m²
Sonnenschutzfolie silber mittel verspiegelt
Prolight One Way Mirror Film, slightly silver
  • Indoor or outdoor installation
  • self-adhesive
This light mirror film offers a lot of light with little visibility and provides moderate protection from prying eyes during the day. Ideally suited for living spaces where less than 100% privacy is acceptable.
€32.90 / m²
One Way Mirror Film, bronze
One Way Mirror Film, bronze
  • Indoor or outdoor installation
  • self-adhesive
This bronze-coloured peephole mirror film offers maximum privacy and sun protection. It prevents prying eyes during the day and allows a view outside.
€32.90 / m²
One Way Mirror Film, blue
One Way Mirror Film, blue
  • Outdoor installation
  • self-adhesive
This blue mirrored spy mirror film offers maximum privacy. Ideally used to look out and protect yourself from prying eyes during the day.
€36.90 / m²
One Way Mirror Film, green
One Way Mirror Film, green
  • Outdoor installation
  • self-adhesive
This green mirrored spy mirror film offers maximum privacy. Ideally used to look out and protect yourself from prying eyes during the day.
€36.90 / m²
Anti-Industriespionagefolie, silber verspiegelt
Anti-industrial spy film, silver mirrored
  • Outdoor installation
  • self-adhesive
Effective protection against industrial espionage: This security film offers maximum one-sided privacy protection during the day and perfect screening from unwanted glances. Glimpses are completely prevented during the day!
€47.20 / m²
Hochglänzende Spiegelfolie als Ersatz für Glasspiegel
Mirror film high gloss, opaque
  • Indoor and outdoor installation
  • self-adhesive
This opaque mirror film transforms smooth surfaces into a mirror-like appearance with an extremely high gloss level. It reproduces reflections brilliantly and free of distortion when the substrate is also smooth like glass.
€49.90 / m²
Mirror film high gloss, opaque
Mirror film high gloss, opaque
  • Indoor and outdoor installation
  • self-adhesive
Diese undurchsichtige Spiegelfolie verwandelt glatte Untergründe in eine spiegelähnliche Optik mit einem extrem hohen Glanzgrad. Sie gibt Spiegelungen brillant und frei von Verzerrungen wieder wenn der Untergrund ebenfalls glatt wie Glas ist.
€66.53 / m²

Spiegelfolien sind Artverwand mit Sonnenschutzfolien

Spiegelfolien sind vom technischen Aufbau her identisch zu stark verspiegelten Sonnenschutzfolien. Einzig die Fensterfolien mit sehr hohem Chromanteil (=stark verspiegelte Folien) eignen sich als Spionspiegelfolie. Nur sie können so viel Licht zurück reflektieren, dass die Oberfläche der Folie für das menschliche Auge wie ein Spiegel wirkt durch den man nicht hindurch sehen kann.

Wo Licht ist, ist auch Schatten

Der hohe Sichtschutz wird mit einhergehendem Lichtverlust erkauft, die Räume mit angebrachter Spiegelfolie verlieren circa 25-30% (abhängig von der Farbwahl) gegenüber einem unfolierten Fenster. Dieser Umstand ist in Wohnräumen häufig nicht gewünscht, weshalb wir eine spezielle Prolight Spionspiegelfolie entwickelt haben. Diese ist nicht ganz so stark mit Chrompartikeln bedampft. Der Sichtschutz fällt nur minimal schwächer aus, der Lichtverlust halbiert sich hingegenim Vergleich zur stark verspiegelten Spiegelfolie.

Gibt es auch Entspiegelungsfolien?

Den von Spionspiegelfolien bekannten Effekt zu verspiegeln gibt es auch in umgekehrter Weise als Entspiegelungsfolie für Displays und Fernseher. Diese Folie arbeitet mit einer minimal rauen Oberfläche um eintreffendes Licht zu brechen. So wird einer möglichen Spiegelung entgegen gewirkt. Die Schutzfolie verwendet eine Silikon Klebeschicht, die eine einfache und blasenfreie Installation ermöglicht.

FAQ's about spy mirror films

Spy mirror film outside or inside?

As a general rule, only external installation is recommended for modern windows installed after 1995! Please ask for possible exceptions during an expert consultation with Velken customer service.

Advantages of internal installation

  • The film is protected from the weather, which increases durability.
  • It is cheaper than the variant for outdoor installation

Advantages of outdoor installation

  • External mounting offers the advantage of higher efficiency (approx. 4%) compared to internal mounting.
  • Sun protection films can also be installed on the outside of modern windows.
  • Films are resistant to the weather due to an additional protective layer.

How does mirror film work?

Mirror films have chrome particles vapour-deposited on one side. This means that they always reflect to the lighter side in daylight. The view from the darker side is still possible. Mounted on an exterior window, you therefore enjoy one-sided privacy protection during the day. Unfortunately, mirror films do not work at night for physical reasons.

How good is mirror film?

The mirror effect of a mirror film is only sufficiently good in daylight, because then there is a clear difference in light. In the evening, when it is dark, you can see through the film again. This means that permanent privacy is not guaranteed.

How do you apply mirror film?

Self-adhesive mirror films have a transparent adhesive applied to the back, just like a sticker. On top of this is another protective film that must first be peeled off. Now the adhesive side and the pane are sprayed with water. Then the film is placed on the glass and the water is wiped out from under the film.

How do you get mirror film off?

To remove a mirror film, grasp it at one corner and then slowly pull it off at a wrong angle. In the case of adhesive films, the film can be warmed by hand with a hair dryer beforehand to dissolve the film adhesive.

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